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BHAs Medicare Advantage Stars Planner updated with CMS 2020 data

Posted By: Pushpa G  On : October 15 2019

Has your plan captured the top 42% in 4.5+ Stars of MA-PDs enrollees?  Has your Part-D plan participated in the rapid shift  of enrollees to 4-Star plans?

CMS just released it's 2020 Star ratings which indicate enrollees are shifting to higher rated plans, leading to a tighter market and tougher competition.

BHA can help your plan achieve!  BHA's Medicare Advantage Stars Planner  is a complete interactive CMS Stars planning tool, that allows health plans to  analyze gaps and set targets to influence future Star ratings. 

October 26 2018
Part-C 2019 Cut Points

Part-C 2019 Cut Points

Posted By: Jeff Schoenborn  On : October 26 2018

During our analysis of the 2019 Cut points, we decided to share our thoughts on the subject. Baltimore Health Analytics is a fast-growing start-up company focused on consulting, app development, and data analytics in the realm of Medicare analytics quality metrics. This year we decided to analyze  the new cut-point changes from 2018-2019 in Part-C metrics. 

The graphs below display the 2018 to 2019 percent change of cut-points for each measure in Part-C, displaying a separate graph for each Star Rating. The red bars pictured represent data for measures increasing in difficulty, i.e. higher thresholds; while green bars will represent data related to lower thresholds. Numerous factors may alter a measure’s outcome for a health plan. Therefore, it is important to analyze these changes for opportunities to improve measure scores and overall performance.

2 Stars

The most noticeable change for the 2-star cut-poi

Now Including 2019 CMS Data

Posted By: Jeff Schoenborn  On : October 23 2018

Our new Tools Now Including the lastest  CMS Data. Demo our free tool today.

The BHA Stars Planner is updated with 2019 Medicare Star Ratings results and new measures! The tool is still completely free. Test scenarios for getting your h-contract to 4 Stars using peer contracts for comparison.

BHA is  pleased to announce that we've incorporated the newly released 2019 CMS Stars ratings data into our tool set. Who are the top performers? Who improved and declined? You can see all the details from UHG, Humana, Aetna, Cigna, Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc -- Star ratings for every measure in an interactive and easy use dashboard.

Future Statin Measures Cutpoint Predictions

Posted By: Jeff Schoenborn  On : April 20 2018

Insurers Gaming the System via Contract Consolidation

Posted By: Pushpa G  On : March 23 2018

A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal released an article outlining how insurers are gaming Medicare Star Ratings through